Tribal technical assistance (TA) providers for professionals responding to sexual assault of American Indian and Alaska Native people.
Alaska Native Women's Resource Center (AKNWRC)
ISAAC Partner
Envisions our Tribal women, communities and families free from violence, healing the trauma and utilizing the wisdom of our ancestors to create effective community/Tribal responses to domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, trafficking, sexual assault, and related injustices.
Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (ANDVSA)
ISAAC Partner
Promotes and sustains a collective movement to end violence and oppression through social change. To be a collective voice for victims and survivors and to support those agencies and communities working to prevent and eliminate domestic and sexual violence.
International Association of Forensic Nurses (ISAAC)
Indigenous Sexual Assault & Abuse Clearinghouse (ISAAC) aims to supplement the work of the NICCSA project by providing training and technical assistance to healthcare providers, victim advocates and other community respondents servicing American Indian and Alaska Native people. Training and technical assistance will focus on the creation and sustainability of SANE programs, Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs), and the medical forensic exam.
Minnesota Indian Women's Sexual Assault Coalition (MIWSAC)
MIWSAC uses culturally based training, technical assistance, strategies, resources, tools, and a wide range of events and activities to engage and support survivors of sexual violence, advocates, service providers, community, and allies that are working to end sexual violence and sex trafficking across Minnesota’s 11 federally recognized Tribal Nations, urban Native bases, and Tribal communities across the country.
Native Alliance Against Violence (NAAV)
NAAV provides training and technical assistance to Tribal Governments and Tribal Jurisdiction Program grantees on data collection, analysis, and the use of data to develop projects, specifically focusing on increasing the ability of tribes to understand the scope and impact of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sex trafficking resources for their community and improving the tribes' ability to respond effectively.
Southwest Center for Law and Policy (SWCLAP)
The SWCLAP will work together with the International Association of Forensic Nurse Examiners to establish a national clearinghouse on the sexual assault of American Indian and Alaska Native women, including creating an online repository of information and resources, establishing a national toll-free hotline, and providing on-site training and technical assistance to tribal governments on the implementation of the Office on Violence Against Women's National Indian Country Sexual Assault Protocol and its SAFESTAR sexual assault response protocol.
Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI)
The Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) provides training and technical assistance to enhance the capacity of tribal communities to establish dedicated tribal domestic dockets or courts. Our goals are:-To provide training/technical assistance and resources to assist the development of tribal domestic violence courts or dockets;-To create a resource guide for tribes interested in developing a domestic violence court or docket; and-To hold webinars and develop resources that will promote the implementation of tribal domestic violence courts or dockets.