Organizations that provide trainings for professionals responding to sexual assault of American Indian and Alaska Native people.
New Advocate Training
Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (ANDVSA) provides training for new and current advocates in Alaska. Their advocacy initiative works to enhance the capacity of domestic violence and sexual assault programs to provide accessible, culturally responsive, and trauma informed services for survivors.
National Tribal Advocate Training
Red Wind Consulting, Inc. developed the National Tribal Advocate Center to fill a void in Indian Country and created comprehensive native-specific training designed to enhance the capacity of tribal advocates. Each of the 40-hour advocate training will provide tribal advocates with a native-specific approach to providing advocacy that will strengthen their ability to work effectively with those they serve. Red Wind also provides a combination of Advanced Tribal Advocate trainings.
National Tribal Trial College Online 40 Hour Course
Provides free legal training for Attorneys, Judges, Law Enforcement, Advocates, and Community Members on: Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Elder Abuse, Abuse Of Persons With Disabilities, Teen domestic violence and sexual assault, and Tribal Court Trial Skills. This online course will take place July 12-16, 2021. It is in partnership with the University of Wisconsin Law School.