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Photo by Cheryl Ess of landscape covered of trees with yellow leaves.


Legal information, tools and resources exclusive to the State of Alaska.

Photo by Cheryl Ess
Close up image of courthouse building.

Legal Help and Resources 

Learn about legal services and resources offered by Alaska Network on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault. Access guides and connect with a legal advocate for support to navigate the court system. Learn more >

Close up image of an open book.

Crime Victims' Rights Handbook

Access a brief overview of the rights of crime victims under Alaska's constitution and state statutes. Learn more >

Landscape of snow covered mountains and river.

Village Public Safety Officers

The Village Public Safety Officer (VPSO) program began in 1979 as a concept to address rural public safety. The VPSO is often the first responder when their community needs help; hence their motto: "First Responders - Last Frontier". 

Learn more >

Close up image of courthouse building.

Victims for Justice

Victims for Justice works to ensure Alaskans affected by violent crime get the support they need and deserve. They help victims cope with trauma and grief, and ensure victim rights are observed within the judicial system. 

Learn more >

Close up image of courthouse building.

Tribal Court Proceedings

Access resources from Alaska Tribes, a project of Alaska Legal Services Corp., to help navigate tribal court proceedings including a Tribal Courts map, directory, and more. Learn more >

Close up image of courthouse building.

Council on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault

The Council promotes the prevention of domestic violence and sexual assault and provides safety for Alaskans victimized or impacted by domestic violence and sexual assault through a statewide system of crisis intervention and support, and by demanding perpetrator accountability. Learn more >

ISAAC is not a provider of legal advocacy. 


Tribal courts and their tribal laws may differ from each community and should be consulted with their tribal courts administrative staff.

International Association of Forensic Nurses' logo.

The IAFN ISAAC project is supported by Project No. 2019-SA-AX-K001 awarded by the  Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice.  The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this website are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Justice.

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