Connect with organizations that offer resources to support survivors in the State of Alaska.
Photo by Cheryl Ess
ISAAC does not provide crisis services. Our partners in Alaska offer services. Please visit their sites for more information.
Alaska Native Women's Resource Center (AKNWRC)
ISAAC Partner
The Alaska Native Women's Resource Center is dedicated to strengthening local, tribal government's responses through community organizing efforts advocating for the safety of women and children in their communities and homes, especially against domestic and sexual abuse and violence.
Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (ANDVSA)
ISAAC Partner
The Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault promotes and sustains a collective movement to end violence and oppression through social change. Dedicated to be a collective voice for victims and survivors and to support those agencies and communities working to prevent and eliminate domestic and sexual violence.
If you seek additional services, we have compiled a list of other organizations that offer similar services to victims of sexual assault and abuse, please see our list below.
Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (CDVSA)
CDVSA provides safety for Alaskans victimized or impacted by domestic violence and sexual assault. They are responsible for making sure Alaska has a system of statewide crisis intervention services (such as local shelter programs), perpetrator accountability programs (such as our approved batterer's intervention programs) and prevention services.
Abused Women’s Aid in Crisis (AWAIC)
AWAIC provides domestic violence safe shelter, intervention, and prevention. Being the largest domestic violence safe shelter in Alaska, they provide emergency support services to women, men, and their children. Committed not just to providing vital services to victims of violence, but also to preventing violence through education and outreach efforts.
Norton Sound Health Corporation (NSHC)
NSHC strives to meet the health care needs of the Inupiat, Siberian Yup’ik and Yu’pik people of the Bering Strait region. They are committed to their mission to provide quality health services and promote wellness within our people and environment. A model of how Indian Self-Determination is meant to work, with tribes taking responsibility for their own health and well-being.
Kodiak Area Native Association (KANA)
KANA provides health care and social services, resources for improved health and wellbeing for the Alaska Natives and communities throughout the Koniag region. This includes medical, dental, behavioral health, and community service programs to serve the communities of the City of Kodiak, Akhiok, Karluk, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, Port Lions, and Larsen Bay.
Kodiak Women's Resource and Crisis Center (KWRCC)
KWRCC provides emergency housing for victims of domestic violence and/or sexual assault. Other services include confidential advocacy, legal advocacy, both individual and group counseling, support groups, community education/ outreach, rural outreach and referrals to other sources, such as health, housing, counseling, and employment services.
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC)
ANTHC offers training and awareness opportunities for prevention of domestic violence and sexual assault among Alaska Native people. Domestic Violence Prevention Initiative (DVPI) is a federal grant-funded program that aims to prevent domestic violence and sexual assault among Alaska Native people.
Standing Together Against Rape, Inc. (STAR)
Since 1978, STAR has been responding to the needs of survivors of sexual assault, while integrating prevention and education programs with a goal of reducing harm to all Alaskans. Services for survivors are provided free and without regard to race/ethnicity, language, sex, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, (dis)ability, social class, economic status, education, marital status, religious affiliation, residency or HIV status.